
Roccoland is both our web page and our physical home shown in the pictures. Below are links to other parts of our site and a brief resume of the occupants of Roccoland.

Genealogy     FH4U     Our car family    

Roccoland is populated by 4 Sciroccos, Toy, Junk, Doc, and Grandad, 1 Skoda Rapid Spaceback, Eazee, and two humans, Geoff and Heather.

Geoff and Heather have a joint interest in classic cars, especially Volkswagen Sciroccos (MK1 and MK2) and go to numerous classic car events during the year. Probably the main one is the London to Brighton Classic Car Run held every June which they have entered every year since 2012.

Heather predominantly stays at home in pursuit of answers to genealogical queries, helping others with their research and trying to solve her own questions.

Geoff, who used to work in electronics design and computer programming, is now retired after his job vanished during the Covid 19 pandemic.

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